Christophe's Nightmare Cinema

 — (CDT, UTC-05) — (CDT, UTC-05)

The Ice Creamatory, 1200 12th Ave. SE Suite 106, Norman, Oklahoma

When: Sunday, July 23rd 2023 at 8:00pm
Where: The Ice Creamatory 1200 12th Ave SE Suite 106, Norman, OK 73071
Price: FREE

Christophe's Nightmare Cinema returns to the ranks of the undead at The Ice Creamatory, Norman's horror themed ice cream shoppe!

"The first kiss is the deepest."

Another classick! In this flick two fraternity pledges try to buy thier way into the frat by hiring a stripper. They make thier way to the seedy parts of the big city and find out there is more to the local strip joint than what it appears.

We have a new later start time. Doors open for the show at 8pm and we will start the movie about an hour later at 9pm.

As always we will have a free Limited Edition Event Button and stick around for a special giveaway courtesy of Christophe's Crypt after the screening!

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